Monday, June 4, 2007

Tasting Notes: Dominion Millenium

Brewer: Old Dominion Brewing Company, Ashburn, VA
Poured: May 2007
ABV%: 11.4%

This had been sitting around my fridge for several months so I decided to clean out the fridge. Here it is.

It pours an orangey-brown with a tan head. Smells of rich caramel malt and very bitter hops. It tastes of very bitter citrusy hops. Did I say tastes of? It's dominated by the hops. Underneath is a subdued malt profile (well, subdued compared to the hops profile) and a warming alcohol burn. Mouth is very sticky and a cloying sweetness dominates the finish.

This one is an ass-kicker to be sure. There isn't anything subtle about this brew and it's assaults the palate. It's over the top even for an American barleywine. But all in all it's just OK. A bit of balance may have made this one a lot tastier and some significant age (a year or more) may go a long way to achieve that balance. If you like your barleywines to be extreme, you need to check this one out.

Old Dominion Brewing Company

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